Thursday, June 27, 2013

Short and Sweet!

I feel guilty that I have been sending people to my blog to read the story of how blessed we have become.....and I haven't written anything lately!  Believe it or not, I've been a little busy!  ;)  This post will be short and sweet, but I have plans for a personal blog session this weekend! 

We have finished our dcfs pride training (foster training) so that L could come live with us full time, so now he does.  Everyone still asks how the transition is going, and my answer is still that there really was no transition.  Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy!  We have been so lucky!

We will go to court soon for one of many court dates to get to adoption.   We are looking at a long haul, but at least he's here!  I was very disappointed when our pride trainers suggested that it could take up to 2 years.  What the what?!  But, at least he's here.

I still can't thank my friend enough for what she did for us.  She is such a blessing and I am forever thankful for her and her family. 

His caseworker has encouraged us to call L by his given name (which I still did occasionally, as it will be his middle name).  She doesn't want birth mom to be really upset about a name change and for that to be a hiccup.  I can totally understand that - doesn't matter to me what we call him for now.....because at least he's here! 

Grace has been the best big sister I could imagine!  He loves his "shishy" so much.  She is enjoying her summer break, and keeping busy.  We're signing up for volleyball camp in July, I can't wait for that for her! 

I hope you are all enjoying this hot, humid summer!