Monday, April 23, 2012

Just some sentences

I'm thinking of combining our adoption blog with this one.  I get torn on which blog I want to write on when I feel like blogging and then I just don't end up doing either.  So, I think I am going to print the posts that I have on that blog (for a keepsake) and I will continue any adoption posts right here!

Speaking of adoption, we are having our profile shown again!  I don't want to get my hopes up, so I won't.  Yea, right.  There's less risk (well, just risk of a different sort) involved with this one, so that's nice.

Bill and I went camping this weekend and I loved it!  We haven't been in a few years, I had forgotten how much fun it was!  It was a little cooler than I'd have really liked, BUT, it wasn't 90 degrees so I won't complain.  I got to read an entire book, had hot dogs for dinner AND breakfast, and enjoyed nature (while checking in on facebook every now and then!).  Can't wait to go back, but I think next time we are going to look into the cabins at the lake.  I'm getting too old for air mattresses!  :)

Grace will make her on-stage debut this weekend in her school play, Aladdin.  She will only be singing and dancing, but all the great actresses start somewhere don't they?!  I don't know if she's cut out for it though....she has cried on a few occasions because the "director" yelled at them or practice was too long and it was stressing her out.  Oy. 

I was drawn in watching "trash tv" last night....The Real Housewives of New Jersey aired on Bravo last night!  Who else was as excited as I was?!?!  Bill wasn't....he went to bed at 6pm last night. Not kidding!  Camping did him in, obviously.  Ok, back to RHoNJ.  What is up with Theresa?  She's let fame get to her head.  I'm sure it would be hard NOT to let it though, really.  My sister and I sit around and talk about them like we know them.  It's absurd.  But I still like it!  :)

To end this post, I'll leave you with a picture of the most beautiful 10 1/2 year old little girl I know!  Have a wonderful day!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

A tip that will forever change your life.

If you love to dunk your oreos, that is.  A big thank you goes out to my cousin Tiffani who gave me this awesome idea.  It's so great, I thought everyone would want to know! 

I also had to prove it to my sister that sometimes I actually do something with the random pictures that I take, as silly as they are.  Like a half eaten (not all by me!) bag of oreos, a half a gallon of milk, and a cookie with a toothpick sticking out of it.  As if I have nothing better to do.  :)

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