Saturday, September 27, 2008

We've been working at Raymond's new house and let me tell you, it's a project! They have been ripping out walls, ceilings, floors, everything! Today we primed the outside of the house to get it ready to paint tomorrow. I remember buying my first house. The excitement of it......but it's a LOT of work. Which, they are finding that out now! They seem to be having a good time doing it, and I'm happy for them!

Today was Raymond's birthday, so while we were there, my dad sent me to get some KFC for everyone, Erin had an ice cream cake for him, it was a good time. My Grandpa was able to come down with his girlfriend. It was great to see him doing something. He was in the hospital not too long ago and they found lesions on his pancreas. So, him actually getting around is great! He and Florence just went to the boat (the gambling boat!) a couple of days ago....not much will keep him away from that! Needless to say, he never comes home a millionaire but he has fun, so that's what's important!

I've been seeing lots of straw bails and pumpkins in everyone's yards so I think this weekend when Grace is here, we will go get some and get all of the Halloween/Fall decorations out of the garage and decorate. I love this time of year! We have my cousin Jessica's hayride on Saturday, I know Grace will enjoy that. We're gonna go to the pumpkin patch later this month....I can't wait!

We watched a really good movie at Casey's last night....An American Crime....true story....heart wrenching; a little disturbing....but still should check it out.

Well, I need to tend to the blisters that are forming from painting.....I know, I'm a baby! Have a good night!