Tuesday, May 15, 2012

She's growing up....

And this picture proves it.  Don'tcha think?

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It's coming!

So, if you follow me on facebook, you're familiar with what's going on with adoption waiting....nothing!  We have a new caseworker, our profile was shown again and they chose another family, and I'm going crazy handling it all like a champ!  I don't like the idea of switching caseworkers, but these things happen.  The caseworker position with the agency has been taken to a part time position, but we were told that this shouldn't affect our situation at all....only those that are just coming to the agency to get started. 

I know they mean well, but it is hard to hear caseworkers remind me that we've "only" been waiting since November.  Only.  Never mind the months it took to get licensed, the ill fated start with another agency, three tries at IVF, and the trying before that.  Only since November though.

We've heard many kind words from friends lately.  Some of my favorites come from my friend Liz, who has also faced infertility and who has a wonderful little girl through adoption.  I appreciate everyone's kind words....but especially hers!  It's wonderful to hear reassurance from someone who's been in our exact place.

  From Liz:  {I know how hard it is to wait. I understand the heart ache... and, you are doing great. Just hang in there... it's coming. It's going to happen. It's not a matter of IF it will happen, it's WHEN it will happen. And when it does, all of this waiting and wondering will be a distant thought. You'll look at that baby's sweet, little face and say "Ah yes, there it is. There's the reason I had to wait. I see it now."}

So, we still wait.  But, I rest assured, because in the wise words of my friend Liz, it's coming!