Thursday, April 21, 2011

This, That, and These!!

How did these.......

Turn into this......

...and this.....

......and THAT?!?!?!

........THIS is how!!!!!!

But we still did end up with beautiful these!!!

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Monday, April 18, 2011


Bill and Tommy Girl having some lazy time.....

She's so sweet....he's not so bad either!!

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ernie's Egg Hunt

I know that I've blogged about Ernie before, but can't find him in my posts anywhere. I guess it's time to start tagging my posts! Anyway, Ernie is Grace's Christmas elf that Santa sent her a few years ago during the holidays. He was to keep an eye on her and report back to Santa on her behavior. Worked like a charm.....most of the time! haha Ernie would play little tricks (rearrange ou ornaments, make snow angels in flour, etc.) and would always leave a *little* present and a letter for Grace. She has fallen head over heels for Ernie over the years!

He often comes a few times throughout the year around other little holidays, birthdays, etc and plays his little trick and leaves a little gift. He came the other day and led Grace on an easter egg scavenger hunt which ultimately led her to him in her Easter basket with a roll of bubble tape (he had recently brought her some Crayola colored bubbles....big mistake!! He had to redeem himself!)

All of the eggs were well hidden with the exception of the first egg, which was in plain sight. Ernie's little hints were kind of cheesy, but had her tickled! Here are the hints he gave her:
1st - My, oh my, what can this be? An Easter egg hunt, a couple weeks early? Follow the clues and you will see a special little treat to you from me!

Find the first egg in the place for mail, it will start you off on this fun little trail!

- No letters today, just this egg for you! Find your next clue in the tree southeast of you!

- If you use this way of transportation, you can take a trip around the lake, or even a pond if you'd like. To find your next clue stop here, and no, it's not your bike! (boat)

- You can't take this next ride in water or air, but you use it to cut things, and not your hair (lawn mower)

- In days of old there were no cars, scooters, or bikes. You traveled by wagon or you'd take a hike. Those days are gone now, but pieces still remain. Look at Lisa's decorations for a piece that traveled rough terrain. (old wagon wheel)

- When the winds get crazy and the dogs are outside, find your next clue in the place that they would hide. (dog house)

- The weather's getting nicer and you'll soon be yelling "fore!", find your next clue in the bag that's not on the floor! (her golf bag in the attic of the garage)

- You've almost found me, I bet you can't wait! For your next clue, go back through the gate. You'll find it in the place your daddy likes to cook....hurry, go now, take a look! (grill)

- It took me a while to decide where to hid! Take 20 steps to the north, turn left and you'll find me inside!

And here was Ernie, hiding in the shed! His letter was full of details about how he and Santa ran into EBunny (that's how easter bunny signs his cards around here) at the premiere of Hop and that he said he would be making a trip here in a couple of weeks. She was beside herself, as she had just seen the movie. This is so fun, and can be easily done without Ernie! If you're wanting to have EBunny do this, I'd just leave a lonely egg where the baskets would normally be. All of the clues were just printed from the computer on strips of paper, cut and folded inside. If you decide to do something like this, I hope you had as much fun as we did! I have a feeling that EBunny will be doing the same thing this year! If you have any questions about Ernie and his little antics, feel free to ask!