Sunday, August 30, 2009

For some reason, I cannot post any pictures right now. So, much to your dismay I'm sure, this will be a pictureless post!

We had another birthday yesterday...Bill turned 34! He had an EMT class, but was lucky and got out early in the afternoon so he came home and took a nap for a little bit. He got to pick Grace up and my family came over. He had decided that he wanted Italian Beef for supper, which was great with me cause there's not much prep there! He chose to have a homemade cake (pineapple with cream cheese icing), which was great also! He got some things he really wanted....a gas smoker, some kind of grinding wheel for the garage, a Menard's gift card, and the universal gift! The best card was given by my sister...the front says, "I've got a birthday story that'll turn your hair gray." The inside says, "I see you've already heard it." This is funny because if you know Bill, this is true! He's been graying since high school he says. I teased him when he got his license renewed the other day, he put brown for his hair color....Um, hello? You hair's pretty they offer that for a color?

Today was such a beautiful day out. I mowed the grass and then went with Amy and we took some pictures of Chace. When I edit a few, I'll post. I have such a hard time getting him to smile at me! But, it was fun!

Grace's birthday is next weekend. We're having a party at an indoor gym, and she's having a small sleepover. Or, at least I hope she is! She's invited a few girls so fingers crossed that some can stay! I'll post more on the party later! Going to eat supper at Amy's....have a good night!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Trying one more time, this should work!

I've never posted a video before, so not sure if this will work...we'll see! As I mentioned a while back, my Uncle Jerome turned 50 this year. This is my cousin Jenny's father in law with a song he wrote for Jerome in honor of turning 50!

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Sweet Summertime!

This summer has seemed to fly by! It seems it was just two weeks ago that Grace started her summer break and here she is back in school already. We tried to make the most of summer, while also trying to not spend it always running around. I think we had a great time, here are a few photo collages:

We went with Amy, Shawn, and Chace for C's first trip to the zoo. It was fun, he really loved the animals. Grace had a fun time showing him everything. We love going to the zoo in Evansville so much better than St. Louis; it is smaller, but you get to see the animals better and it's not as crowded! It was very hot that day, and I was dealing with a very bad sunburn from the day before; I think all future trips to the zoo will be in the spring or fall! Grace had a small breakdown as we were leaving proclaiming it as "the worst day of her life" because we wouldn't buy her a $40 toy from the gift shop. Mind you, we had already been in May and she got something then. So, she was mad for about 10 minutes, then she was over it.

In June, we took our vacation to N. Carolina. I've blogged about this a little before, so I won't go into great detail, the pictures can speak for themselves! Grace loved the plane ride, the ocean, the battleship, everything. We had a great time visiting with Bill's family some, and made great memories as our own little family.

One night, Grace mentioned wanting to make a tent in the living room to sleep in. Now, when I was a kid, we used a few chairs, sheets, and a fan. We also had to sleep on the floor...straight floor, too. Well, Bill got out his homemade backdrop stand he made for me once upon a time and rigged up for their tent. Pretty genius, I think! What's better than camping out with daddy in the a/c watching spongebob? Not much, I think!

Bill's sister and her family drove over one Sat. from Kentucky and we took them on my dad's boat. Neither of my nieces had ever been on a boat, but they loved it! We tubed around Rend Lake, jumped out and swam, and enjoyed the day!

This collage turned out small, but I think you can view it bigger....Since we'd never been to Garden of the Gods before, we took off one Sunday and went. It was beautiful! It was a bit warm, but it was still fun! It's amazing to me that So. IL has such beauty. I think I see a trip back there in the fall when the leaves are changing! Grace wanted to go up the tower, so we all started the climb up there. I got about 1/4 the way up and decided it was too high for me, so I went back down and took some pictures! (I'm not sure why my arrow doesn't look right, it did when I edited it...)

We did so much more, but a post can only be so long before you get tired of reading! As I said before, some of it is in previous posts, so check it out!

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

More to come later, here are a few pics from my *surprise* birthday party....yes, I turned 30...YAY!

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

We took Chace on his first boat ride on Sunday and he loved it! He sat still the whole time and surprisingly, didn't mind wearing his life jacket at all. He loved swimming in the lake and helping drive the boat. He threw doritos out of the back of the boat (thanks to a lesson from Grandpa) so that the birds would follow us. That had Aunt Lisa a little freaked out since I hate birds, but I managed! He took a power nap for a bit while we tootled around Rend Lake. By the time we got to the beach, he was tired again so it wasn't all that exciting. We may go back this weekend if it's not raining!

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