Wednesday, August 25, 2010

So much to do, not enough time.  Seems like this is the way it is, but that would be a lie.  I seriously need to delegate my time better.  I need to spend less time on the computer (as I sit here typing this) and focus on what I think needs to be done.  I have plenty of time, as we all do, theoretically speaking.  Every day I'm given the same amount of hours, minutes, and seconds -- and at the end of it I feel I haven't done enough!  I have a floor that needs to be mopped, pictures that need edited, laundry that needs done, yadda - yadda - yadda.  Please tell me that I'm not the only one!!! 

On another note, all of my pre IVF tests came back great, so when we're ready to go, it's a go!  Not sure when I'll be ready for that, we'll see.  I'm relieved in a sense that nothing is wrong with me but on the other hand, I was hoping something (fixable) was wrong so I would at least have a reason why the last 2 did not work.  I guess we're not always supposed to know everything....

Need to go, for the above mentioned tasks have not miraculously completed themselves while I have sat here typing.  *Sigh*

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The legend of the birthday card...

Many, many years ago in a land far, far away.....wait, wrong legend.

Ahem, let's try this again!

Many, many years ago (in 1999, we think) my sister gave me a card for my birthday. The card was cute and funny and as you will see instructed me to save this card and give it to her on her birthday. Of course, most people would not have actually done that, but I did. It was what I was told to do, and you always listen to my sister; or you pay. I kid, I kid. Kind of.

So, my birthday is in August and I hold onto this card until June. Her birthday comes around and I have saved this card all of these months and I give it back to her, same envelope and all! She holds onto the card for a mere 2 months before passing it back to me and I realize that we are making a fun little memory here. Every birthday since, this little card has passed back and forth. When you read through it, you can follow the timeline of our lives over the last several years. There have been times that the day before her birthday I am scrambling around looking for it; it has been through several moves since we started this! But, I always find it and it manages to make its way into our birthday gifts! Every year when the card comes out my dad always says, "Is that the card you guys have been passing back and forth?!" No, dad, we buy the same one every year. He thinks it's funny. I think it's great!

Imagine my surprise this year when I open a *new* card, and it is the exact same thing!! We were kind of running out of space, so this new canvas was pleasure to my eyes! I can't wait to spend the next several years filling up the empty spaces of the new card!

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Friday, August 20, 2010

These are some pics I took for my brother's friend Ricky...are these kids not incredibly adorable?! Miss Karsyn looks just like her daddy! Hope I'll get the chance to take their pics again!

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Here's a collage of our little trip --- ya know, for your viewing pleaure!

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We finished our summer with a little trip to St Louis. Oh, how I love living close to a city far enough away and with enough to do that it seems like a vacation! We began our trip with a stop at Meramec Caverns. Grace is a rock collector, so she thought this place was the greatest. It amazes me what is underground there!

We visited the Mills Mall, which is just a neat place to go, shopping or not. It was just fun. We stayed at the Drury Plaza by the arch which I will recommend to anyone. It was one of the greatest stays I have ever had, it was just too short! Aren't all hotels stays usually too short though?! The evening wasn't to unbearably hot so we walked around the arch and walked along the riverfront. It was so nice, just some amazing alone time with my family. The next day we went into the arch and I was made to go to the top. Of all the times I have been there, I always wait at the bottom while whoever I'm with goes to the top. b.o.r.i.n.g.! Though I was semi-freaked out, this was waaaaay better! We visited the Magic House, which is always a good time. Good fun for kids of all ages!

We went to our niece Katie's volleyball game last week in Mayfield Ky. I played volleyball in school and I get a little too worked up about the games, but it's fun to watch. I will say though that Kentucky volleyball is waaaay different that So IL volleyball. They are very lax on the coaching! If we had made the mistakes that these teams did, clipboards would have been slammed! We did get hollered at, but we were good! And good players make for fun volleyball watching! Well, that didn't sound right. It was fun watching Katie's team anyway, it was just different. She has fun playing and that's all that matters! Now I feel the need to go catch some Redbirds ball!!

I have been back to the dr. in stl. and my bloodwork came back fine except for my glucose test. So, we are working on that. I had a mock transfer and endo biopsy on tuesday and am waiting the results from that. Not sure yet when we are going to go ahead with another cycle. Not soon enough for my sister though! She wants it started yesterday! I can't blame her though, I know how excited I am about Chace so I know she is ready for me to have one. I've been doing acupuncture and I am not impressed with it. Of course I don't see any improvement on the inside, um, because I can't see my insides; but I definately don't notice anything else either. It does not relax me at all! But, only time will tell.

Grace starts school today. Well, she goes to find her teacher and get papers. School really starts tomorrow. Never understand that....starting on a friday? Anyway, we're at the intermediate school across town now in the big 3rd grade! I hope she loves it! Thisgs are coming along nicely for her 9th birthday party. She is so excited, I'm so excited, we're all excited! I may be going overboard but the way I see it, I'll bet that there won't be but another year or so of actual "parties" before it will just be friends spending the night and such. Why not make the most of the parties we have left to give?!

Enjoy your day and be thankful for all that you have!
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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

Another year has come and gone, and it was rather uneventful. I spent my birthday with Bill and Grace and then to eat and cake with my family. I got some great gifts (including Napoleon Dynamite!) and enjoyed a wonderful cake baked especially by Grace; decorated with a peace sign and everything. What could have been greater?! I'd like to resolve to myself to live the next year the best I can. Of course, who doesn't try to do that every day, but really. I can think of things every day that I could change to be better. I'd like to focus on that this year. I'd like to be a happier person all around. Next Aug 6th, we'll see how true I was to my word!

Here's a picture of me and my dad, who has proven to me that you can be anything you want as long as you believe in yourself and you try. I need to try harder on that too!

Grace goes back to school next week so hopefully we'll squeeze in a little something fun this week. Summer will be closing in soon and the greatest time of year will be here before we know it....cooler weather!!! I will post about any adventures we take this week, so be on the lookout!!
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