Friday, July 24, 2009

Numbers, numbers!

13 - Days until my birthday

30 - Age I will be on said birthday
5 - Pieces of mail we received today

1 - Pieces of said mail that were not junk

4 - Zucchinis we have gotten out of the garden

7 - Loads of laundry I will be doing today

8 - Days until our anniversary

1 - Year we will have been married

196 - Dollars for the cost of electricity at the Fralick house last month

0 - Red tomatoes we have gotten out of the garden

7,165 - Pictures stored on my computer that need to be stored elsewhere...really!

4 - Hours until my wonderful husband gets home from work

150 - IU's a day of Bravelle I will inject myself with next month

1 - Nephew who loves his Aunt Lisa so much!

1 - New nephew who won't get to know his Aunt Lisa very well because he will live in Washington

7 - Days a week I am thankful for the life I have!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Here's a funny little set of pictures for you. When we were on vacation, Grace got some warheads and kept trying to trick us into eating them. Finally, I told her we'd have a warhead contest at the hotel that night to see who would make the "sourest" face. So, when we were ready for bed, we got the camera out and the war began! Oh my, I don't know how I ever ate those things when I was younger. Mine lasted in my mouth for about 5 seconds...that's all I could handle!! Bill lasted a little longer and Grace ate all of hers. The funny thing is that Grace had to pretend to make a sour face! When she put hers in her mouth she just sat there and laughed! She sure has what it takes to be a kid!!

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Monday, July 13, 2009

Wow, it's been a long time since I've blogged! We've not been doing much, just enjoying summer. Since I had so many pictures to share, I put together a few collages for your viewing pleasure...haha!

Bill's family was here from N.Carolina and Kentucky last weekend, so we had a cookout at our house. Here's everyone (minus Grace, her mother wouldn't let her come!):

This is at Raymond's 4th on the 5th party...we had a good time playing washers, tossing the football, playing with sparklers, and watching fireworks:

Several weeks ago, I took some pictures for my friend Angie and her family. It was nice to get to see them, it was her parent's 40th wedding anniversary that, 40 years! I think the pictures turned out nice:

Bill has tilled up (disked up?) the backyard and planted new grass seed to try to get ready to put up a fence, but all of the rain we've had is delaying that. It has poured here like crazy! Of course, I enjoyed the rain and cooler weather, but it stinks when you're trying to get something done! My Uncle Jerome turned 50 yesterday and we had a cookout at their house and wouldn't you know it, as soooon as the food was done, it started pouring! But, I think he still had a great time.....all's well that ends well!
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