Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Twas the season......and it has passed. Well, not in our family! We STILL have Christmases to go, but that's OK! I took down the tree last night. OK, Grace and I took the ornaments off and I drug the whole 7 feet of it out the front door, lights and all. Half of them were burnt out anyway. Next year, we're getting a new tree and the only way I will break down and buy one then is if I don't have one at, this one is going to the curb tonight for trash pickup.

We have had a great Christmas this year. I love being in town close to my family, it makes the holidays much easier! We had CE at Amy's house, played a little dirty Santa...where I got one of my favorite presents (a wood wick candle)....those things are awesome! Grace was pretty much spoiled; but that's OK! We got her back on Monday and she was thrilled about her Santa presents which made me happy.....Since my Uncle Jim and Aunt Ruth couldn't be here for Christmas, they came this weekend and the family went bowling at the WF bowl...good times. It was great...Uncle Jerome even brought a little bit of Grandpa along! Only in my family, I swear.....It was sad to not have Grandpa here, but knowing he is in a better place not hurting made the holidays more pleasant. We scratched some lottery tickets in his honor....still no big winner; maybe that's reserved for when we take a trip to the boat!! Hmmm......

My brother Thomas was home for the holidays from the Navy in Connecticut. He did not want to go back! I think he was just major homesick and once he got here and got a taste of home, he didn't want to leave. But, we tried to reassure him that this is the best thing for him and he is doing better for himself being there. He'll do good....however, while he was here, he borrowed my car quite a bit. One day he came home and while he had it, someone had backed into the passenger side of the car! We eventually found out what had happened and their insurance is going to cover it, so now I have to get some estimates.....oh, joy.

Only 1 week till I start my job at the foot clinic. Honestly I am not looking forward to that at all. I think it's just the foot thing I have. But, I'm trying to tell myself it's only for a semester and then I can go somewhere else to finish. I'm's been awhile since I've had to deal with people.....guess I need to polish up on my people skills!! It won't be so bad...the worst part is that I won't be keeping Chace like I have been......I guess I'll live!

I'm excited for the new year that is almost here. 2008 has been fairly good, but I'm anxious to see what 2009 will bring. Bill and I have decided to start trying for a baby which means lots of ups and downs....I'm not quite sure he knows shat he's getting himself into! This process is just draining, but I feel different about it now than I did before. My whole general outlook on the future of the process seems better. Of course, I may not feel that way in a few months, but I'm going to try to stay positive. Nothing good comes out of thinking negatively, so we'll see what happens.

We are ringing in the New year with the Elko's....good food...good times. I am thankful to have a friend who is normal like me....haha! I really don't know how I would have made it through 2008 so easy if it weren't for Casey....she has been there for me through so much this year and I know as I start this venture this year, she will be there every step of the way. She has proved to be a friend I can count on through and through and for that I am very thankful. Good, true friends are hard to come by and in hard times you know who your friends are.....thanks for being a good, true friend Casey! Love you!

Now that it's 6 in the mornin, I'm going to quit rambling so I can get ready before Chace gets here....have a happy and safe new year!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Not enough time right now to update on everything that's been going on; but here's a picture from Christmas. We still have 3 more Christmases to do; Grace's from Santa tomorrow, with the Elko's on Wed., and with Bill's family on Thursday! Whew! I will update soon, maybe tomorrow....maybe not!! Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!
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