Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tree pics and a pinky promise!

Twas the night before Thursday and all through the house, you could hear a strange sure wasn't a mouse.  Two lazy dogs laid in their bed, while visions of rawhides danced in their head.....

Tonight it was just me and my camera....and our Christmas tree...and a couple of camera-shy (er, lazy) dogs....and my laptop -- ok, more than just me and my camera, but who's keeping tabs?!

I've recently joined pinterest and found a pin on how to photograph your Christmas tree.  I've always liked the "artsy" look of tree pictures, when the lights are all blurry.  With a new camera, it's time to try it for myself!    I read this blog tonight and decided to give it a try.    I love how thorough she was on explaining things.  After a few more googles of things (like how to change the f-stop on my new camera*), I was in business.  Minus the camera-shy dogs who decided to hang out on their bed, I set up my tripod and adjusted some settings.  And re-adjusted.  And re-re-adjusted.  I decided to ditch the tripod and steady myself.  I turned the tree some because some of the "prelit" lights were out and I had some, uh, bare-ish spots on the tree.  Click, click, delete.  I could hear the sensor in my camera working double time as I snapped away!  After about 30 minutes, I was satisfied with my first attempt at Christmas tree pictures.  Here are a few straight out of the camera shots: 

Here I used my 50mm canon lens...ISO at 800, shutter at 160 and aperture at 1.8....
you know, in case you wondered!

This is one of my favorite ornaments that we bought this guessed it, in Las Vegas!
I am just in love with these pictures and can't wait to try more!  Break out your camera and share your own Christmas tree pics!  I'd love to see them!!

*No, I still don't use manual settings on my camera (usually, though I do try some).  It is my goal for 2012 to break free from the green auto box that has it's grip on me!  I will make it my mission to learn (and understand) the settings on my beloved Canon.  Pinky promise.