Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I'm starting to get a complex....

We showed our profile again....and we weren't chosen, AGAIN.  What the heck is the matter with us?! 

I know, I know....there are others waiting too.  Only one family can be chosen.  Our time will come.  We will know why when it happens.  I know.   But I want to know why - now.  Wahhh.

I got the news this morning just as I was starting to take some pictures for a sweet little newborn.  Perfect timing. 

We did not tell anyone about showing our profile this time.  I was so excited, I had it all planned out in my head.  It was going to be a situation like Catelynn and Tyler on Teen Mom, minus Tyler.  We would find out that she chose us and I would scream on the phone and hang up crying happy tears.  I would nonchalantly call our family and invite them over for my famous chicken and dumplins.  That was sure to get everyone here.  We would talk and eat - all the while keeping a secret that we were about to reveal.  I would tell everyone we had a surprise for dessert and do something a little fun to tell them.  What, I don't know, I hadn't thought that far ahead yet.  ;) 

But, one phone call this morning changed that plan.  I took the newborn pictures and then I did what any well disciplined woman on a diet would do.

 I went to Wendy's

I did it big.  TWO junior bacon cheeseburgers.  Man, were they good.  They didn't help my heart though.  It still hurts. 

I know another will come along and this just might happen again....or it might not.  We'll see.  I'm strong and I can handle.  But in the mean time, I'm starting to get a complex!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Just some sentences

People who update their facebook status with "fml" really make me crazy.  Do you really have it so bad that you need to say f my life.  No milk for your cereal, so f your life.  Really?

Tomorrow is baby Miles' one year birthday party.  I love that little man so much I can't stand it. 

Ernie visited Grace tonight.  You can read a little about Ernie in this blog post here.  I have always loved Grace's reactions to Ernie, but I am loving them much more now.  I know these days of believing are numbered.  And, no, I don't think she's faking it so it will keep going on.  This girl is a believer!  I hope she always is.

I've been staying up too late again lately.  The Olympics are getting me!  I'm not a fan of watching sports, but there's something about the Olympics that make it awesome!  My favorites are girls gymnastics and diving.  What are yours?

Miles pooped in my living room floor today.  I let him go diaper free for aboooooout one minute and while he was standing by the couch, he dumped me a present.  I screamed, he got scared, stepped in the second one he just left and slipped and fell.  Poop was everywhere.  Chace was screaming and laughing.  Miles was screaming and crying.  I was just screaming.  What a fiasco that was.  After I got the mess cleaned up (bath for baby, cleaner for the floor) Chace told me it still smelled like turds in the living room.  So, we packed up and went to McDonald's to play in the play land (after everyone was cleaned off, of course). 

I don't know where Chace is coming up with some of the things he says lately, but I LOVE it.  Today he said, "Oh my god, you are being so sweet to me I just can't stand it".  Later, while I was trying to figure out how to bathe a poop covered baby, Chace pointed out that there were a lot of turds in the bath tub.  We had to drain and start over.  I think he likes to say "turd".

School is almost here!  I'm ready for this year, hoping it's better than last.  Grace is always excited for school to start, we'll check in in a couple of months and see how excited she is.  I was always ready for school.  Mostly to get away from home when I lived with my mother, then to see my friends when I was a little older.  I also loved new school supplies.  Something about an unmarked notebook and fresh pens.  I think my favorite things were new folders.  I loved organizing my classes.  What was your favorite school supply?!

Need to go get some rest for the big birthday party tomorrow!  Good night!