Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ten for Tuesday!

1.  Soooo, the whole keeping up with my blog at least once a week?  Yeah.

2.  I've got a cold.  It really stinks.  I'm thinking it has something to do with this crazy warm weather we're having in January.  Where's the snow?!!?  I am thankful that it's just a small cold though.  Knock on wood.  Last year, while going through my IVF's, my immune system was pretty non existent and I was sick a lot.  A lot, a lot. 

3.  We're going to a murder mystery dinner this weekend.  It's something we've always wanted to do.  So when The Night's Shield children's shelter posted that they were having one for a fundraiser, we decided we had no better reason to go to one!  So, we will spend the evening with my brother, sister, and cousin (and their spouses).  Can't wait!

4.  Teen Mom again tonight!  I feel bad for the girl trying to get some child support.  Some guys think they don't need to pay it.  I know of so many women who don't get a dime they are ordered to pay.  It's sad. 

5.  I had to hem some jeans because they were too long.  I wish I could hem some jeans in the waist because they were too tight.  I can dream, right?

6.  Grace and I have skype on our laptops and we skyped from bedroom to bedroom.  Then we got the crazy idea to skype my sister....who lives a few blocks away!  Her, Shawn, and the boys were piled on the couch talking back and forth with us.  The funny thing is that they had just left our house an hour before!  Haha!

7.  We've been "window shopping" for me a new car.  The plan is to trade Bill's truck in, he'll drive my car as a work car, and buy him a cheap truck.  We'll see.  I've never really shopped for a car before, it's pretty exciting!  I liked a Honda CRV that I drove this weekend, though I'm not completely sold on them.  My boss (and friend!) Paulette posted this awesome Honda super bowl commercial!  Hoping that we'll got to browse a little this weekend!

8.  Yet another night that Bill lays in bed rattling the windows with his snoring.  It's making me insane!  I just tried to get him to roll over...and of course he gets mad being woke up from sleeping....but told me that "he knows that it's ten til and that's what the Lincoln was for".  Oooookay......

9.  I got my haircut from my cousin Heidi at Salon Bliss and it's awesome!  I love her....and not just because of the awesome haircut.  She's such a good person!

10.  Grace wanted me to put some pictures on her laptop tonight so I hooked up my external hard drive and she was browsing pictures.  We came across our family reunion vacation pictures from Las Vegas and Utah.  It seems like it was so long ago.  Vacation, how I miss you.  I'd go back to Vegas tomorrow if I could!  It was fun looking back at pics and remembering the fun things we did and times had.  No matter how much people make fun of me for always having my camera and taking so many pics, I am always thankful I do that because of times like this!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Ten for Tuesday

1.  I think of all kinds of things I want to blog about, but when the time comes, I can't find the ideas.

2.  I'd love to write on our adoption blog, but I really don't know what to write about over there.  I'm really trying to not think about it,  so not sure what to say....other than I'm tired of waiting....surprise, surprise!

3.  What is it with this silly addiction I have to the most crazy reality shows.  I love me some Teen Mom, Jersey Shore, Ax Men, and Real Housewives of Anywhere.  They are such time wasters, but are my guilty pleasure!

4.  Grace is going to be in a play through her school in a couple months.  She'll only be singing, but she's very excited.  She's joining the chorus too, which is great, because she has a pretty good little voice!

5.  Bill is laying next to me snoring so badly.  I can't stand it.  He tells me if I'd just go to sleep it wouldn't bother me.  I can't help it that I stay up later...much like he can't help that he snores like crazy!  Gahhhhhhh.  I'm thinking it's not natural to want to punch your husband in the face while he's sleeping.  I'm so ashamed!  I reeeeeeally do love him!  No, really!!

6.  I've lost 8.5 pounds without a {whole} lot of effort.  I wish I could find the energy/motivation to exercise.  I did so well when I exercised before and I felt good!  It will come to me, I'm sure of it!  Just wish it would come sooner rather than later!

7.  I was cleaning out files from the last year and came across some invoices I had questioned from Washington University St Louis from the last IVF I did.  Since my insurance did not pay for IVF, we (my dad) had to pay for everything up front.  They also went ahead and billed my insurance for some stuff and my insurance paid it.  So, one of the fees has been paid twice.  WU says they accidentally billed the insurance and they would be giving them a refund.  Insurance says they should give me a refund.  This was from November 2010 and it's still not taken care of!  It's only a little over $500, but I don't think they should just be sitting on it.  I'd like to just forget about it and throw all the papers away, but I'm not happy with how they've handled the situation and refuse to give up.   I wonder how many times this happens that people don't catch it?!

8.  Getting my hair cut by my cousin Heidi this weekend.  The first time she cut it, she had just started cosmetology school.  It didn't turn out quite like I had hoped!  But, she has gotten pretty awesome and I can't wait to have her cut my hair again!  I'm ready to lose this long hair and go with something a little more fun!

9.  I hate when I am eating a 100 calorie pack of something or other and eat the.very.last.one. without even knowing it.  When I reach in the bag and it's empty I'm upset that I didn't take time to thouroughly enjoy the last one....anyone else get worked up over this??  I mean, you only have limited snacking with the small packs anyway....and if you don't get to savor that last bite??  Well, it's just....tragic.  Yes, I know there are far more important things to worry about.  Like Vinny leaving the Jersey Shore.  Ahem.

10.  Our winter has been insanely crazy!  We had a nearly 30 degree temperature drop today.  That's what the guy on tv said, anyway.  I've not actually took the time to check on the outside thermometer.  Isn't that what he's for?!  :)  It's been a very mild winter so far, which has been nice and given us some beautiful days, but I'm ready for some big snow!  

How 'bout you?!

Friday, January 13, 2012


...Grace's unsung hero video was posted on the news channel website.  She's going to be so excited when she watches the news tonight!  I cannot thank everyone enough for their donations to the kids at the shelter!
...I am watching my nephews Chace and Miles like I do every Friday - and I am thankful for these special days when it's just me and them. 
...Not so special was the blow out that Miles had in his diaper this morning while he was in his jump-a-roo. 
...It kind of reminded me of last Friday when Chace was standing at the toilet to pee and said, "Aunt Lisa, I think I pooped in your floor"  YOU WHAT?!  I turn the corner and sure enough a little turd is plopped in the floor right behind him.  He said he didn't know he had to poop also.  Hmm.
...sometimes you don't believe something but you just have to keep your mouth shut.  This is hard for me, but I do it!
...Grace has been doing great with her cell phone.  She has been very responsible with is so far and I am grateful.  Knock on wood.
...It's cold here.  There's a dusting of snow, but it isn't enough to make a snowball like Chace so desperately wants to do!
...Grace has a math test that Bill forgot to study with her on.  I'm sure she will do great anyway though.  She had all A's on her midterm that she got this week and has a 5.0 GPA!
...Miles has bronchitis and has to use a nebulizer....poor baby.
...Chace wants to spend the night tonight and go to the library.  This makes me happy!!  NO, we are not nerds!!  :)
...I spend a lot of time worrying about Bill traveling to and from work.  I have no idea why! 
...It's about time to get the seat to the jump-a-roo out of the dryer now that it's been washed and de-stinkified!
...I worry about Tommy girl because I think one of her tumors on her belly is slowly growing.  She never acts like she's bothered by anything though.  She's almost 13 and gets around like a puppy!  I don't even want to think about it.
...I am using Grace's laptop because mine is allll the way across the house.  Our house is not big. 
...I'm hoping to have a great weekend and hope you do too!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Our Hero! Warning....long post!!! :)

Mid-November, The Night's Shield children's shelter posted on their facebook page that they were in urgent need of pajamas. They asked if anyone would be willing to do a pajama drive.  I sent them an email to ask if anyone could do it or if it had to be a business. They quickly replied that anyone could, and I asked Grace if she would be willing to do one. She instantly said yes, before she really even understood what the shelter was. The next day I spoke with their creative director and she had the vice president of the shelter call Grace and explain all about the shelter. After that, Grace was really excited to host a pajama drive, and from that, the Sweet Dreams Pajama Drive was started.

We had never done anything "big" like this before.  We talk with Grace quite a bit about how she is fortunate and how it is important to help others.  For her last 2 birthdays she collected school supplies and pet supplies from her friends instead of gifts to donate, but as far as reaching the masses and trying something bigger - we were clueless. We made fliers, made a facebook event page, and used word of mouth. For the first time trying, we didn't do too bad!

The generosity of others has floored me. It was Christmas time when we did this and I know it can be rough sometimes to provide for your own families. But, the pajamas kept coming! With the help of our families, friends, and even some people we didn't know, the donations totaled 117 pairs of pajamas! She had set her first goal at collecting 50 pair and met that in a week! Every time a donation would come in, Grace would do a "woo hoo" and make sure we marked it down so she could keep count. She would comment on her favorite pairs about how she was sure that a child at the shelter would really like them.

When we called the shelter to turn them in over Grace's Christmas break, they told me there would be a lady from them newspaper there to interview Grace. She was excited about that - you can read that article right here!. She was more excited when there were 3 pictures of her in the newspaper along with her article!

Last week, the vice president of the shelter called me and said she had some exciting news. Our local news station had called her because they had several emails from people nominating Grace to be the unsung hero for the week. The unsung hero is usually someone who does a good deed, helps others, etc. This was exciting news, as Grace had made one of her New Year's resolutions "to be on TV". ha! When she got home from school, I told her one of her resolutions was going to come true already. Seeing as how the other one was to be an "inernashaniel rock star" and we knew that one wasn't here just yet, she was bug-eyed when she realized she was going to be on tv. I explained to her what an unsung hero was, and that it was an honor. I know she understands, but I don't know how much she understands that it means. One day she will really know. I had to pick her up from school Monday during class (much to her dismay - right) and take her to the shelter where the news anchor and camera man met us there. Grace said she was nervous but she sure didn't show it!

They asked her great questions, and being 10 years old, I know she didn't give the answers an adult would have given but she did very well! She made me tear up a little when she was talking about the kids at the shelter and how it made her feel to collect everyone's donations help them. Then, little did I know, they wanted to interview me also. Me - dressed in my scrubs, ready to go back to work as soon as it was over - me. Yeah. I am not a camera person. While I think sometimes I can write pretty ok, I am not a speaker. In no way, shape, or form. I blubbered like a fool. I cried when they asked what we would want people to know about Grace. I left out things that later I wished I would have said. And, I asked them to keep my part to the bare minimum if they had to put it in there at all!  Grace definitely interviews much better than I do! 

When they asked Grace if she felt like a hero, the answer most people would give is no....she proudly said yes! While I think the real heroes are all of those who graciously donated pajamas, I do think Grace is a hero all her own! She wouldn't have been able to do this if it weren't for all of the donations from wonderful people. I was very proud of her though for doing this so selflessly. She never once asked what she would get in return. She never wanted to know what we would do for her if she did it. She jumped on the wagon and took the reigns. For that, she is my hero and I am so proud of her!  

WSIL news anchor, Emily Eddington, the Executive Director of The Night's Shield, Judy Davis, and the Director of Development for The Night's Shield, Shawna Williams.  If you are in our local area, you can catch Grace on News Channel 3 this Friday at 6 and 10! 

When you see anyone (especially a child) making an effort, helping someone, even if it's holding open a door for someone else....recognize that. Let them know that it's appreciated! People helping people....makes this a happier place!

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Sunday, January 8, 2012

{Project Jean Purse}

Grace has been interested in sewing for a while now. We've made a small pillow for her room and she's watched me hem a few pair of pants, but that's about as far as our sewing lessons have went. She's been wanting to sew on her own and I've been a little nervous to let her do it herself, but she is 10 now and knows so much more than she did when she was 9. Riiiight. Anyway, I asked friends what a good project would be and a few suggested a jean purse out of an old pair of jeans. I looked it up on Pinterest and found this great blog for a jean purse tutorial. <=== Click that link to go to it! We made a very minor adjustment on the strap to make it lay a little more flat, and Grace was very excited about how it turned out. I think if we do another one, I will make my own tutorial, just for fun!

We used a pair of Justice jeans (Grace's favorite brand of clothes right now). I found these jeans at a yard sale this summer for an awesome $6. They looked like they had only been worn a couple of times and since they didn't fit Grace, they were going to go into the yard sale tub. So glad they were still hanging in the closet! Grace did most of the cutting with the exception of cutting over the thick parts. I did let her do most of the sewing and she loved it! [On a side note, I have such a hard time getting started sometimes. It takes me forever to get the bobbin thread situated right and there's always a catastrophe to get the sewing actually started. Once I get it right, I can sail along...until I run out of bobbin thread! Also, my thread wants to bulk up on the back side of whatever I'm sewing. Any thoughts on this? I'm going to blame my machine (and not the fact that I am self taught on what I do know how to do) for the majority of my problems! haha] Here are a few pics of the work in progress:

And some pics of the final product! I saved the ribbon from a pair of clearance pajamas I got at Justice last year and it has finally served it's purpose as the perfect "belt" for this jean purse. I knew I kept it for a good reason! :)

Hope your first week of 2012 has been great! 1 down 51 to go! How's your 2012 bucket list coming along?!
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Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy 2012!

In 2007, I made my first ever New Year's Resolution.  I never got the point of resolutions because, frankly, I knew I wouldn't follow through on half of what I would resolve to do and it seemed that's what everyone else did too.  While at a new years eve party in 2007, my friend Michele had everyone write down their resolutions and she sealed them in a box.  I remember one of my resolutions was to marry Bill in 2008 - which I did!  I don't even remember what the rest of them were, so I can't even tell you if I followed through or not! 

I haven't made any for the last couple of years...actually, I don't think I've made any since that first year.  I think about doing things in the year to come every year, but I don't list them or even keep track for that matter.  Well.....things need to change!  :)

I'm still not going to make "resolutions", more like a "bucket list" for this year.  That's the same thing you say?  No it's not.  Cause I said so!  :)  I think a bucket list for the year sounds less intimidating!  My biggest goal is the one that a ton of people have.  You'd never guess it if I didn't tell you.  haha!  In 2012, I will lose weight!  In 2011, I realized that I was capable of doing it.  I had never really tried before and now that I have seen that it is within my reach, I'm ready.  Other items on my bucket list include - learning to use the manual settings on my camera like they are meant to be used, organizing my house better, organizing the 20,000+ pictures that I have on computers and hard drives (gahhh), writing on my blogs at least twice a week, and adopting a baby (even though I have no control over this one, I'm hopeful)! Sounds like a well rounded list to me!

Who really knows what will happen, but as of Jan 2, 2012 I have good intentions!  So, if I follow through, you will hear from me in a couple days!  What's on your bucket list?  Happy New Year to you!!