Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's been snowy/icy weather here and I love it! I'm one of those people who can be trapped at home and it doesn't really bother me. I've got plenty of food here, etc.....the only thing that stinks is that I'm by myself. Just me and the dogs. Grace had to go back to her mothers and Bill had to work. Hopefully we'll have a snow day tomorrow also, because Bill is off. We went to Logan and Tysons yesterday so Grace could play with them and she had a good time. We came home and we played some more....she collected some snow to save for next year and we'll "let it go" then. Then, last night, she said she wants to keep it forever. We'll see how long it lasts!

Great news for my friends, Liz and Ross Bunton. They also have been unable to have children and she has been through more heartbreak with it than anyone I ahve ever known. Finally, as of Jan 26, they are now the proud parents of a little girl. I know Liz was very worried about this adoption as they have had a failed one before....but this baby is theirs now! I'm so happy for her, she is going to be a great mom!

Here are a few pics from yesterday:

Grace explains to Chace what snow is:

Logan, Tyson, and Grace take a break from playing:

Snow Princess:

The big hill in front of our house: haha!

I'm going to go finish cleaning....or at least attempt it! Have a good day!
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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Here are a couple more....I took these behind my dad's shop...

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Following are a few pictures from this weekend....Katie spent the night with Grace on Sat. and they had a great time! We played lots of air hockey, they watched movies, Chace came over to play for a bit on Sunday, I even found them playing "Supernanny"....whatever that means. They said if one was bad they had to sit in the naughty corner......anyway. After Katie left today, Grace and I went and took a few pictures, just for fun. It was waaaaay cold, but we left the car running. She had lots of fun, I can't wait for it to warm up so we can take pictures and not have to hurry! I can't wait to get some sort of studio. Don't think that will be happening anytime soon, but I do have fun just taking pictures of her and Chace. It would just be nice to be able to take good pictures inside! One other funny thing: Sat night we took the girls to eat mexican here in town...while eating, Katie was talking about her "boyfriend" and Grace said she didn't have one....Bill asked her what happened to Matthew (he was the love of her life)....anyway, she said she broke up with him. I asked why......her answer: "He cheated on me." Bill about fell out of the booth, I almost spit out my was just so funny to hear a 7 year old say that! I asked a few questions and she said she didn't know that for sure, she didn't know with who and she couldn't even remember who told her that.....Needless to say, I told her she shouldn't believe everything she hears. Not that I am concerned about her 7 year old boyfriend "cheating" on her.....BUT, she just needs to learn that! Anyway, here are a few pics:

Here they were setting out to be "spies" and spy on Bill:

Playing with Chace today:

Cute little Grace:

Cute grown up Grace:
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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Last night we went to the movies with the Elko's and watched Hotel for was funny. The kids really liked it; it's so great to hear a kids laugh when they think something is hilarious! I'm not sure what Grace and I are going to do today.....Bill has to work and it's too cold to do anything outside! We have some library books to return....that will probably be our hghlight of the day! I'm pretty sure Katie is going to spend the night with Grace tonight, so they should have fun.

One of my last classes I am taking now in school is medical transcription and I HATE it!! It's probably just because it's all new and something I've never done before, but I just don't care for it. So, it's safe to say that I will nevr be a transcriber! On the other hand, I am loving work at the foot clinic. Ok, maybe "loving it" is rather over the top, but I still enjoy it.

We got our electric bill in the mail today--$347!!!! Isn't that crazy?! Makes me crazy, but at least we stay warm and can pay our bill. For that I am very thankful; there are so many who have to do without heat. Thank goodness there are agencies like Crosswalk that can help those who need it. The bad thing is that there are so many, I'm sure there are tons who get turned aay because their funds have ran out. Of course, I think there are probably some who don't really need it, but just take it if they can get it.

This opens up a whole new can of worms for me. It irks me to no end when people abuse the public aid/welfare system. I there are people who do not need help, but take it because they were approved for it. They can make excuses all they want to try to justify why they need it, but I just don't buy it. Bill has been laid off before and I didn't have a job because I was in school full time; but still, we didn't take advantage of the system. I always know that someone else has it worse than I do..... There are plenty of people I also personally know who could really use the help, but couldn't get approved for it. I'd just like to know how someone who drives a nice car, wears name brand clothes, etc. can walk into the public aid office and be approved for help over someone with a crappy car and worn out clothes who made $1 too much over the poverty line.....I guess it's because people know how to work the system. It kills me to see these people in fancy clothes with 2 carts full of groceries in line at wal mart and use a link card to pay for it, then go through the cigarette lane and buy 2 cartons of cigarettes!! Hello?! Or those who eat really well because "they didn't have to pay for it".....or say "haha, you helped pay for my food" Really, why would I think that was funny? I don't. Anyway, that's my rant for the day, it's not intended to offend anyone, that's just my opinion!!

I'm off to take a shower and get ready for my fun filled day!! Have a great Saturday!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Just a quick update on my xray test I had was ok, a little uncomfortable.....well, a lot uncomfortable! It was very different than I remember last time! It took a few tries to get everything into place but finally, we got it done. It seems to look like it did before, that one tube is a little blocked. But, thankfully, it hasn't gotten any worse. That's what I was worried about. Anyway, I have to take my old slides from the one I had done 5 years ago to the radiology Dr. tomorrow and he is going to compare them. I have to call and make an appt. with Dr. Sayavong for 2 weeks....we will go over them then and discuss what to do next. It seems like 2 weeks away will be an eternity!!

So, that's about all I've done today! I went to Casey's after I left the hospital and chatted with her and Meena for a while. Girl talk is so fun! I am so blessed to have a great friend to share that with!!

Well, I'm tired from alllllll that I did today (haha) so I'm going to lay down....have a great night!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Here are a few random pictures that I picked to post!

Libby kissing Chace at the bowling alley

He's getting to be such a big boy!

Chace loves playing with Grace!
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The great grape vs. red.

While at WM today, I was searching the grapes. I ran into my friend Angie and she told me that she likes the red ones better, that they are a little sweeter. I had never tried red grapes before. I also don't know the proper way to pick out grapes. Angie said, "Just eat one." MAYBE if there hadn't been people/workers around I would have. I just can't do it! I tried to get Grace to do it one time, to see if they were sour or sweet, but she wouldn't do it either. So, I stand there squeezing grapes from several different bags for firmness, seems I remember that the firmer ones always tasted sweeter. But, what do I know! Anyway, I squeeze bags with green grapes, and bags with red grapes...I squeeze bags with mostly big grapes and bags with mostly small grapes. Finally, I got a bag of each color, medium firmness.

While passing Angie in the produce again she tells me to blog about which I like the best. I bring my red and green semi-firm treats home and pluck them from the hangy things, whatever they are, and rinse them in the colander. I baggie them up for later and grab a bag that is half and half.

I come to the computer anticipating this great story that I will blog about with the struggle of liking red or green grapes better. I pop a green grape and much to my satisfaction, it is perfect. It's sweet, but not too sweet...not at all sour. I grab a red grape and am almost nervous about trying it....What if I grabbed a not so good bag and it is a poor representation of the goodness of red grapes? What if I grabbed a good bag but I hate it?! What if I love it?! The wait was just too much. I popped the grape in my mouth......AND IT TASTED EXACTLY LIKE THE GREEN GRAPE!!!! All that fret for nothing! But, now I am doubly pleased because I picked out two perfect bags of grapes; one red, one green....both semi firm and deliciously good!!

Speaking of running into my friend Angie, it's a funny story. She had a really good point that I think she should share with the folks at WM. We met in the cookie aisle today....she was at the end with her little angel Stella, I noticed her about half way down. There was only one other man in the aisle and he didn't even have a cart; he was outta there in no time. We get through the initial how are ya's and what not and postion our carts nose to nose with Stella in between and begin our talking...catching up. Moments later we are in the way and have to back up further. We catch up a little more and 30 seconds later we are uprooted again by an older gentlemen in need of his Keebler cookies. The aisle was filling up and it was obvious that we needed to move on and she sugested that WM have "catch up" aisles. I'm not sure that's exactly what she called it, but I thought that was a nice play on words!! How great would that be if WM had empty aisles scattered around that you could catch up in with people you run into. Let's face it, no one goes to WM and doesn't see someone they haven't seen in a while!

My co-op job at the Foot Clinic has improved greatly. I am now strictly office person, none of the gross unmentionables from before! I actually am enjoying it, everyone I work with is great.

Grace is doing good, she got straight A's on her report card again, she's so smart! Her hermit crabs are doing.....ok. One of them died, I think it was the shock of being moved, maybe it was sick...who knows. I felt sad.....and I don't even like them! I dread telling her what happened. It was Hannay (Miley) too. But, life goes on and she knows that, so we'll be Ok!

Chace is getting so big.....and fun! He loves getting into the dog food bowl....he learned the other day how to tump it out! He is pulling up onto everything; I'd say he'll be walking soon.

I go tomorrow for my HSG at the hospital and hopefully will know results from that and have a plan started next week sometime. I'm excited! I have been eating healthier, I only drink one soda a day, if that, where I was drinking about 5 average. I got Amy's elliptical machine and have been exercising on it the last couple of days that I have had it. I've got a long way to go, but it's gonna be worth it! I'm not "dieting", just trying to be healthier. We'll see!

Wow, this is incredibly long! I'll end here for now....have a great night!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Bill took Grace back to her mother's house tonight and within a couple of hours she called screaming and crying that she missed us and wanted him to come pick her up. He went through trying to get her to calm down.....she just kept screaming that she wanted him to come get her cause she wanted to be at our house. I was sitting on the couch and Bill in the recliner and I could hear her across the living room. Anyway, Bill told her that if he could come get her that he would, but that her mom wouldn't let her go anyway. She asked him to talk to her mom so he said he would.....she got on the phone and Bill asked if he could come pick her up....."No, she's fine"......he said yeah, sounds like it. Anyway, Grace gets back on the phone wailing that she misses him and me and the dogs and her hermit crabs and that she hates her mom and that she is evil......but, she's fine, ya know. Anyway, finally Bill got her calmed down by assuring her that we would be thinking about her until we got to see her on Thursday and that we would take care of her crabs for her......This is not just a one time kills me as it does Bill every time. I remember being with my mother and crying all of the time to go to my dads house. Maybe one of these days it will get better....

I've sent an email to a woman in Sesser who owns a photography business asking about what she uses in her home. I read on her blog that she sets up a small studio in her living room. I hope she lets me know the basics of what I would need so I could set one up in mine to take pictures of Grace and Chace! I have so many ideas for the 2 of them, but nowhere to take the pics! I think it would be fun!

I'm going to try to start tomorrow with better eating habits and maybe try to start at least walking. I have said that before, but now knowing that it could help with this baby process makes it more worthwhile. If anyone has any good ideas, let me know!

PS....Comment me...I love it!!!
We've had such a lazy weekend! Well, Grace and I have; Bill had to work.....We stayed in or PJ's for the better part of yesterday! I did clean some house though, so it's not like I didn't do anything! We went to my dad's yesterday afternoon and he gave Grace his hermit crab and it's "crabitat". It only had one crab in it, so after Bill got home from work last night, we went to the mall and bought 2 more crabs. Grace named them Miley, Lilly, and Oliver from Hannan Montana. Imagine that!! It's all I have heard about though. The aquarium is in her room and every 5 minutes she is hollering for me to come look at something they have done.....but they always look the same to me!

Today Grace is going to have lunch with Bill's mom so I'm hoping to catch up on her journal I am doing for her. I started a journal last year and my plan is to keep one every year with things that she does, funny things she says, etc for the year and give them to her when she's older. I'm a little behind, so maybe I'll have a couple of hours to work on it.

I really need to be cleaning out the computer room "just in case" we'll need to use it later. But, I don't want to get my hopes up! We have talked to Grace a little about having a baby, while still letting her know that it may not happen and she is really excited. She asks me all of the time about it....what I want to have, if I think it will cry when she gets to go out with her friends and he/she can't because it's too little! I hope she'll have a brother/sister this year!

Well, I need to go get her ready for lunch with her Grandma....have a good Sunday!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Sooooo.....Wednesday I started working at the Foot Clinic for Dr Ponton......not really my cup of tea. I almost gagged a few times.....and I guess it's not that it was that's just not for me. It was waaaay too much interaction with the patients. I will spare you some of the more interesting details that have made everyone that I have told kind of disgusted! However, I worked today at the WF office and I loved it. I might mention that there are no patients on Fridays and it's just doing paperwork and stuff. Now, that's my cup of tea. I guess I'll live through it for the next 16 weeks!

I had my first appointment with Dr. Sayavong yesterday. It was as good as to be expected I guess. I really really like him; more so that Dr. Gates. With Gates, it was like every time I went to see him, they had no idea who I was or what I was there for. This always astounded me since most of my appointments were monthly. When I met Dr. S yesterday, he was very nice and had a great personality. He was the kind that knew when to crack a little joke and he seemed genuinely interested in my case and like he was ready to do whatever he could to make me a mom. Anyway, pretty much the plan that was set out was that I would have a
hysterosalpingogram (I've had one before, but he said if he had to send me to specialist, they would want a more recent one), they have to run an "analysis" on Bill and then we go from there. Since I have taken the ovulation drugs before he said we will start with those, but at a higher dose and only do a cycle or 2. If that doesn't work, we will probably go to IUI. Feel free to look it up. Dr. S's options end at the clomid. After that, I would have to go to a specialist. He suggested Evansville since they were closer and I would have to travel there frequently. After we were finished with everything yesterday, they left it that they were going to call my insurance before they made the appt for the HSG and see if my insurance would cover infertility. I told them I was sure it didn't but that I wanted to just pay for whatever it didn't. So, the nurse was going to call me today with the information. Pretty much after that, I was just sick because I figured that they would want to go slow since I would be self pay. When I as at work today, I got a call from their office and she said the office manageer had talked to my insurance. Great. She said she wanted to read their response to covers infertility 100%!!!!!! Well, with the exception of IVF, but still I'm hoping it won't come to that. What a load off! So, my HSG is scheduled for Jan 21 and I guess we go from there! I didn't hear much else what she said, I was crying a little and just overly excited with the insurance news. It is VERY rare for ins to cover anything like that!

Other than that, not much else has been going on. Christmas decorations are all packed up and put away. I'm ready for some snow! I'm sure it's coming soon, and then I will wish it away! Anyway, have a good night!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

I had to laugh tonight while filling out a FOID application for Bill. Some of the areas / questions just struck me as odd. For example, eye color....they have the usual brown, blue, hazel, green.....and the last one....maroon. REALLY, who has maroon eyes? I would like to meet you. Well, not really that would be freaky and I would get scared. Question you have a mental illness? Honestly, if they do, do they really put that on there? Question #5.....are you mentally retarded? Can you get a foid card if you are retarded? I don't know....maybe you can. What if you are classified as retarded and you don't feel you are; do they lie and say they're not? Question #10.....are you an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States.....are there any aliens who are lawfully present in the United States? And why would they be silly enough to fill out an application for a foid card and say that they were an alien?! That would get you shipped back to Mars faster than you could say Jupiter. Anyway, I just thought some of those were question that Bill and I fought over was hair color. I checked gray for his hair color. He lost it....."My hair is brown!" No it's's more gray than anything. We went back and forth, untimately, I checked brown.....but his hair is gray.

I gotta run....a new episode of John and Kate Plus 8 started 20 minutes ago......have a good night!