Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Well, 4 of 4 comments have suggested a small wedding with a reception.......and assured me that there's nothing to be embarassed about.....maybe planning a small wedding and reception won't be that for a date!!! WHEN?!?! What a saga........!!

I am pulling my hair out trying to find addresses for this class reunion. I think we are now down to 63 missing addresses.....that's a far cry from 160 though!! At least we're getting somewhere!! I can't wait to see everyone!

My sister is having a baby! She is due May 2nd.......I can't wait to plan a shower and all that fun stuff!

Not much for today....but I gotta get to class....toodaloo!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Well, as I can't always get on myspace, I've decided to start my very own page devoted to blogs. I miss blogging. So, here goes.......

We took Grace to Katie's skating party on Saturday, it was fun......I didn't skate (forgot my socks....dang it!) but Bill was hilarious!!! I think Jason was still a little upset when we left because Bill didn't couples skate with him! HaHa!

I am helping plan my 10 year high school reunion. It's fun, but a lot of work. It's hard to track down 150 people! Thank goodness for the internet! The reunion is going to be a good time; however last night, I had a NIGHTMARE about it! No food, no music, aghhhh!!! It won't be that bad though!

I'll be getting married soon! I'm excited! Bill really wanted to have an actual wedding, I don't.....he wants to have a reception, I don't.....where do you compromise? I have no idea. I would be just as satisfied going to the courthouse and signing papers. Or, I could consider the Las Vegas Drive Through wedding that Michele pointed out to me! Who knows......I guess I'm just a bit (for lack of better word) "embarassed" since I've been married before; but so has Bill and that's not stopping him from wanting it all! But, his first wedding was small with cake and punch in the basement of the church for a reception......he wants a big party.....what's a girl to do?!

That's is for today, I've got a filthy house to clean and laundry to do, so toodaloo!!