Sunday, December 20, 2009

My sister's friend Jayma brought her twins over for a christmas picture. It was very last minute, but we got a couple of good pictures:

Aren't they cute? They were here less than an hour and I'm already worrying. These boys are 10 months old now and they are crawling and moving like crazy. WHAT am I gonna do if I end up with more than that?! I know, I know....I'll make it! But, I'm used to having only one baby around!

Christmas is just around the corner and I can't wait! I have almost everything done and that is relieving! I can't wait to spend time with my family and have a few extra days off of work! Lots of pictures to come I'm sure! Have a good night!
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Saturday, December 19, 2009


Following is an ad posted by Grace.  It was a class project, I believe to go along with a story they were reading.

WANTED  Best Friend

1.  Must love Forwerls!   

2.  Must love DS gams
     Maroieo Broses!

3.  Love hores!    *settle down, I know you're really getting a kick out of this by now!

See Gracie Immediately!!!!!

OK, now the really funny thing about this to me is that the girl can spell "immediately", but struggled with "horses".  C'mon....really?  Well, I got a smile out of it and this is definitely going in the keep folder!

Following is a picture that needs a little explanation.  Since Grace started 2nd grade, she has been sweet on a little boy in her class named Ethan.  When she was in K & 1, she had a different boyfriend every day, but this year she only likes Ethan.  We don't want her to be "in love" (she IS only 8), but it is funny to see her like a boy because he is nice to her.  Well, Ethan was the only boy she wanted to invite to her birthday party (besides family) and he got to come.  He stood up front with her while she opened her presents and blew out her candles.  When we were Christmas shopping, she wanted to buy Ethan a present.  Help me out here, what is acceptable to buy a 2nd grade "boyfriend"?  (By the way, we don't let her call him her "Boyfriend"....he's a friend.  She says "Yah right!" Anyway, it makes her daddy feel better!)  So, she settled on some Flix Trix, saying she knows he likes them.  Soooo, when I picked her up at school Thursday, I stopped to talk to Ethan's mom to tell her we had a little gift for him.  She then shows me the gift they got for Grace because Ethan wanted her to bring it so Grace could get it that day to take home.  It was a build a bear!  I was shocked!  She said that was what he wanted to get her.  So, he asked her what her favorite animal was and Grace had told him an otter.  What the heck?!  An OTTER?!  She loved them at the zoo this summer, so I guess that's why....  So, E's mom was worried they wouldn't find an otter....guess what?  They did!  He dressed it as Mrs. Claus and named it Olivia.  When the kids came out of school, he gave it to her; she was so embarassed!  When we got in the car, she was smiling so big and kept talking about how she couldn't believe he got that for her.  The whole time she was here, she kept hold of that thing and took care of it like it were a real baby!

If you're still following after that long-winded story, here's a pic of Grace and Olivia the Otter!     

Monday, December 14, 2009

Time Flies...

 When you're having fun!  Look at these 2 cuties and how they've changed!  We are enjoying the christmas season and all it has to offer!  I have pleasantly surprised myself and have gotten 98.5% of my shopping done.  It feels so good to not have the stress of shopping on Dec 23rd to worry about!  All the presents I have are wrapped, minus those from Santa, my cards are mailed out, food is planned, and the lights are glowing bright on my tree.

 Plans are coming along for my IVF.  I received all of my medicine in the mail the other day and was almost overwhelmed.  There's a ton of it!  Lots and lots of needles, pills, vials, and such.  I thought the last injections I had were a bunch!  That was nothing! I'd like to ask you to keep me in your thoughts as we go through this.  If you pray, please pray for us.  If you wish, please wish for us.  If you cross your fingers....well, you get the picture!  This has been the most emotionally draining thing I have ever been through.  I will keep you updated as we go on.

I sit here and type as floors need to be swept, dishes need to be done, and laundry calls my name.  In the living room there is a husband looking for some attention, so I must go!  Have a good night and enjoy what is left of the Christmas season because time flies!
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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Man, one post in alll of November, that's awful! I don't even think I could call myself a blogger!

My next favorite time of the year is already here! We've gotten our tree and inside decorations up, the outside lights are done, and the Christmas CD is in the player. It's Christmas time!! Before I get too far into that though, here are some pics from Thanksgiving:

Grace brought her Guess Who game and we declared Amy the all time champ. Aunt Patty tried teaching Chace how to make a poker face, dad cooked an excellent turkey, and Grace gnawed on a turkey leg for an hour. Seriously....she would carry it around chewing on it, lay her plate down and come get it later! Gross!

I had typed a sheet of paper for everyone with their name at the top with "I am thankful for you because" under it. We were to pass the papers around and list a reason why we were thankful for them. My family doesn't talk feelings well, so I wondered how much of a challenge this would be. Not everyone wrote on them, but most did and at the end of the night, you got your paper back to take home and read. I was so glad I did this. My paper made me cry with the thoughtful words (though I tend to be a cry baby anyway), but the sweetest thing was Grace. I read hers to her when we got home and she started crying (happy) because she was so touched by what Amy had said to her. We may know we are thankful for someone, but telling that person can mean so much.

I had a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. I have groceries in my cabinets and heat in my home. I have a comfortable bed and clothes on my back. I have a car, a job, and a little bit of talent to pursue what I love to do. I have a wonderful husband and daughter who love me unconditionally. I have 4 dogs who don't care if I look like crap or say the wrong thing, as long as I give 'em a scratch on the head. We can all find things that bring us down or that we are not happy about. But, look a little further and you will find a mountain of things to be thankful for. And not just on Thanksgiving, but everyday.
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