Sunday, May 29, 2011

Just some sentences

Had a surprise birthday party for my sister today.
Her birthday isn't for 2 weeks.

I love my Aunt Patty.

I can't help but laugh when I watch Swamp People and I hear the one guy talk. 
Yea, that one!

My not-so-little-but-still-little-to-me Kourtney graduated 8th grade yesterday.

I need to work on delegating my time more productively.
My bangs have grown out so quickly.

I've heard it's the year of the locust, and I think it's gross.

I love my dad's girlfriend Pam.
It's awesome to be a part of her family.
I think she's glad to be a part of ours!

My eyesight is getting horrible.

Losing weight is hard.

Forgiving (and/or forgetting) is even harder, especially when you think you shouldn't have to.

My dad's car smells like my Grandpa Kopec's car always did.

That makes me smile every time I get in it.

I'm tired and going to bed!
Good night!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Chace turned 3 years old on May 2. This little boy has filled my heart with so much love, I never even knew it was possible! I believe that this kid is growing up thinking that his birthday is a week long celebration....though I don't think there's anything wrong with that! I kind of think that everyone should celebrate my birthday for at least a week too! Really, though, Aunt Lisa celebrates him every day of the year in one way or another! On the day of his birthday, his Mommy stayed home from work and he got to skip day care. She made his favorite meal, spaghetti, and we all came over to celebrate. He decorated his own birthday cake too!

And just so you don't think he's a deprived child, here are some pictures from his "everyone" birthday party:

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