Sunday, April 26, 2009

We had a great time with Grace on her spring break. We went to the Evansville zoo (which was great), Bill took her turkey hunting, we watched my dad at the drag races.....just to name a few things!!

Here she is with her Easter basket and some presents from her Grandma, Aunt Mikmi, and us:

At the zoo:

Feeding the giraffes:

The last time I went to the Dr., things hadn't turned out like I had hoped. Of course, I don't know why I thought they would have, since they never do! I was mad, I cried, got mad at myself because I knew disappointment was my greatest enemy and I was letting it beat me up, and finally accepted it and dealt with it. It could be worse. But, we've made adjustments to my medication and I'm going Thursday to have another sonogram to see if it worked this time. I've got every finger crossed that I have and am hoping not to meet my ugly friend named disappointment. She's a hag.

Last week, we booked 3 round trip tickets to Raleigh, North Carolina! I am so excited! Bill's Aunt and cousins live over that way, so we are going to visit them. We also rented a car so we can drive to the ocean. It's only a couple of hours from where his aunt lives, so we're going to drive to Wilmington and stay there and go to the beach and visit some neat things there. Bill and I have only been on a plane once, and Grace has never been, so this should be interesting! She is so excited!

I read an article in Reader's Digest the other day about these 2 guys who go around and take it upon themselves to fix sign mistakes. You know, the signs for businesses or fliers hanging up that are always misspelled? That cracks me up! There are so many of these. If you start paying attention, you will see more of them too. I was at a gas station a couple of years ago and there was a sign on the pump that said "smile your on camera", I reached in my car and added an ' and an e to make it correct. Don't get me wrong, I know I've probably misspelled things too, but if you're a business, wouldn't you check these things over first?! I'm going to keep my open for more of these!

My dad called me last night at 10:30 to tell me he is on youtube. My cousin's husband recorded him at the drag strip last weekend and posted the video on there. Go to and type hydoc racing in the search to watch it. He was so excited to have his car out there, you could tell he felt like a kid again. When he was younger, he raced the same track all of the time.

Well, I'm off to get stuff ready to take some pics of Chace later. His 1st birthday is less than a week away! Have a good Sunday!
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Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter has come and gone, but not in our house! Grace's Easter basket sits in the living room waiting for her to get here on Tuesday night. We had a great Easter, besides missing Grace. We went to Bill's moms for lunch then to my dad's for dinner. The food was great, but the company, even better!

Chace got a new car for an early birthday present for some of Shawn's relatives up North, and he loves it! He hasn't figured out quite yet how to move himself, so Grandpa was on push duty!

He is so handsome!

and he loves hanging out with Uncle Bill! This was the other day, they were sharing Sunchips and Cadbury eggs....don't tell his mom though!

I have another Dr. appt Wed. to see if the Clomid is actually doing it's job....I can't wait! I've got every finger crossed that I have! We've been looking into vacation spots, now it's narrowed down to North Carolina, so if you have been there and know of any points of interest, let me know! I have researched online, but I want real live experience!

We are still trying to get something done about the nasty building next door to us. The fence we are wanting to put up is on hold because the owner is in no hurry to get it down, no matter if some of it is on our property or not, so I guess a survey is in our future. BiCounty health has been contacted, but I still haven't heard anything form them. We have gotten nowhere with the City, Bill talked to the codes officer again and asked him if the city could not fine the guy, since they have condemned it and it is still a standing hazard. His reply? "No, we don't fine. If we did, we'd have to fine half the city for the old dangerous buildings around town." AND?! Why don't you?! But, Bill didn't ask him that. I would have. I'm gonna have to talk to him next time. I'm tired of picking up his crap out of my yard!

Well, I'm off to the store, I've been requested to make banana pudding for the guys at Bill's work. Have a wonderful day!
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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I had another Dr. appt yesterday, I am growing ancy with anticipation. I am taking clomid and prenatal vitamins now. I go back for a sonogram on the 15th to see if I have am ready to ovulate. I'm trying not to get too excited because I have been down the path of dissapointment with this so many times....but, it's still hard not to get excited at the thought of "maybe this time". Time will tell....

Grace was here this weekend, we had fun, but Bill had to work so that wasn't fun. She misses him when he has to work all weekend when she's here. We did get to color Easter eggs though and she loved that.

Chace just wanted to eat the eggs...

Grace taught me and her Daddy a hand "clap" that she has learned on the playground. Something about lemonade, crunchy ice...I remember making up claps and handshakes on the playground. How fun! Here she is teaching Bill:

I haven't even gotten all of my photography stuff unpacked yet, but I wanted to see the color of the pink paper background I got....I love it!

Everything else is same old around here....I'm off to do laundry!
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