Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I'm really lacking on my blogging! I have lots of pictures to share and these few collages don't even begin to skim the surface of the last month!

Raymond and Erin wanted some pictures taken, so we spent Sunday running around taking them. We had to do them in the late morning (which I never want to do again, lighting stinks!), thank goodness I had Bill and a reflector to give some shade! Here are a few of them....As far as I know, their wedding is planned for June of next year, I can't wait!

My cousin Jessica also wanted some pictures of her family. Here are a few from their day...Hayden is such a handsome little guy, and full of expressions! I'll have to make a collage of his funny faces!

I really liked doing photo Christmas cards last year, so we set out with my sister as my photographer to try to get at least one good picture for cards. While these pictures are good, I think we may try one more session this weekend for a picture that makes me happy!

Halloween was great, the kids had a good time. Grace got about 50 pounds of candy, $6.13 from my dad's change jar grab, and a blinking necklace that she broke trying to get out of the package because she couldn't wait to get home to open it! She loved her Miss America costume very much! Chace was the cutest little indian I have ever seen!

I say it every month, now I can't believe November is here! I have 3 Christmas gifts bought. That is better than in years past, but still not what I'd like to have done! So much neat stuff comes out around Christmas though, I don't want to miss out on buying a really good gift that's not out yet. That sounds like a good excuse!

I'm taking Grace around this weekend to family and friends to gather food donations to take to the local food pantry for the holidays. I'd like for her to understand that some people aren't as well off and need help and I think this will be a good thing for us to do. She already has a kind heart, but an understanding of volunteering and donating will do her good also! She seems excited about it!

My IVF consultation went well last month. We will begin the process in Dec./Jan. and the actual IVF will be in January. It would be sooner, but they do not do IVF in December. I was a little upset about this at first, because I was hoping for a Christmas miracle, but what if it didn't work? That would make for an awful Christmas gift! Maybe that is part of the reason why they don't do it then....So, I'm just going to try to enjoy the holidays without thinking of it too much. This is the best time of the year and I intend to make the best of it!
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