Friday, October 16, 2009


It has finally became my favorite time of the year! Yup, it's fall! How do I love thee? Let me count the ways!

1. It's cold and me crazy, but I love it.

2. When I cook, the kitchen windows steam up.

3. It's time to start thinking of "holiday food". The time of year when everyone (including myself) feels compelled to make certain foods that are reserved for this time of year. Or, at least, make more of it. Pies, cookies, cheese balls, little weenies in bacon, pumpkin rolls, peanut butter balls, etc.

4. We've got our tombstones out in the yard....recall last year my tombstone that read....RIP The Mullet 1985-1990? I'll post pics later.

5. Painting pumpkins. They look prettier and last longer. No sharp knives for me, thanks.

6. Long sleeve shirts, sweatshirts, jackets. All the more to hide flubber with....nuff said.

7. New episodes of my favorite shows....Gray's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, CSI, Criminal Minds....and my new fav. Modern Family. If you haven't watched, you must!

8. Not going outside and breaking a sweat. I am not a fan of sweat. Hence, the flubber.

9. Apple and cinnamon scented candles. Which I used to hate the smell of, but now I love!

10. Knowing that Christmas is just around the corner. I'm ready for the lights, music, shopping, presents, food, everything! But, for now, I won't rush myself and I'll enjoy all that I love about fall!

Monday, October 5, 2009

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Amy and I took the kids to Breezy Hill Farm the other night. It was great going at night because there was no crowd and the kids could just play and play! I thought I'd put together a little collage of them last year vs. this year....WOW! They have grown so much!! Grace is growing up so much and Chace isn't such a baby anymore!

I recommend everyone to go to this place! I'll post more pictures of it in a bit...but it's a fun time for the kids. G & C loved playing in the corn the most....they have hayrides, slides, a little petting zoo area, bonfire pits, teeter totters, bean bag toss, corn and straw's just fun. Their website is And NO, this is not a paid endorsement! Haha!

That's it for now, laundry and vacuuming are calling my name! I called them a few names too, but they don't seem to mind....*sigh*.....good night!!
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